Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lost Socks

BabyGirl is at that stage where she likes to kick off her socks and shoes if she gets the chance. Twice now, we've been out somewhere only to discover at some point that she is only wearing one sock and the other could by any number of places. So long sock, we hardly knew ye. Now we are beginning to amass a collection of single socks that are just too cute to throw away simply because they are lonely. I tucked this one into her photo album. It slips easily into one of the picture slots and is a tangible reminder of just how small those little baby feet were. As she continues to lose socks, I will tuck another one in occasionally, just to show how she is growing.
Another possibility for lost socks is to glue one to some cardstock as a baby shower card, or even for a first birthday. Handmade or scrapbooked cards often can be expensive, and this is a great way to get that creative look while not wasting a perfectly good sock.
Also along the lines of a baby shower or young child's birthday would be to use the sock as a gift card holder.
Some other possibilities would be to use the sock to store jewelry in, one necklace per sock to keep the chains from tangling together. Or you could glue a holiday button onto the cuff and thread a bit of string through the top for a memorable Baby's First Christmas ornament. Colorful mats at craft supply stores can be found for great prices sometimes. If you are looking to add some wall art to a nursery, you could frame a couple of socks in a 3 pane frame or do 3 small frames as a collection. Hopefully, the uses you find for your lost baby socks makes losing the cute lacy one, or that sweet pair with the bears on them a little easier.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could do something like that with my socks. I have lost more Smartwool socks this winter than I care to think about.
